The Daily Chronicle from De Kalb, Illinois (2024)

WEDNESDAY, MAY 23. 1817 Tom Sweet, who ia eloping. KIRKLAIJD spent Wednesday at home of iiii lji A I I I I A I I I KON II l.K George Holmes Miss Moilie Keefe. of Sycamore who is well known here baa begun work at the Turner Brass Works. Hiram two settins Miss Lulu Vanscoy who has been a guest of her sister; Mrs.

William oS eggs O'Urien Nolan. lefUfor Cedar Ranids. Iowa. Published Dally Excest-Snnday by tub DDKAUSCimdiwcBDiiiJSinNa cojipant Prank W. Greenaway.

President '7: NEWS THE NEIGHBORING i TOWNS 7 V- Mr. Lovebird. Luella's Irate fath Silt er Gregory Smith Nervous Gentleman, with grudge against the company Itt For the Treat ment of Liquor ami Drag Using E. J. Raymond, SeCy-Treasurer 111-123 East Lincoln Highway, DeKalb, Illinois SUBSCRIPTION RATES Chester Doles Mrs.

George Arney Accompanied by her friend Mrs. Erickson. both of Chicago were here or few i i.5 w- Holp and.Mlaa Pan. sey Westerberg returned Sunday Hans PfeCsr. iWhQ has plenty of ROCHELLE S-wccMful lot v4r olficnlt estes of Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs.4 William' Spohn visited their daughter, Mrs. Walter Taylor and family- at Genoa Sun- Mrs. Linden of Sycamore visited her daughter Mrs. John Marsh this Mrs.

Young is visiting her son, Horacev-at Mr. and Mrs James Decker visited their daughter, Mra. Lester Strack Sunday. Miss Dora Eurbank of DeKalb visited her mother a few dayB last week- jfr. and Mrs.

C. Aldia took Sun-: day. dinner at the Huftalin home. OHIO GROVE Sunday school at 2:00 p. m.

Everybody welconvt. Mrs. Edward' Marsh and two children of -Sycamore spent Wednesday at the home of hpr aunt. Mrs. V.

M. Nelson, M. Nelson and -oangh-ter Beth and Miss Nellie Wallace wererYisiting MrSi. O. Ci'Bnsh of DeKalbThursday.

Miss Alice Brooks visited Mrs. Thomas Christiansen Thursday Mrs. Richard Lane attended a birthday party at the home of Mrs. Charles Nelson of Sycamore Thursday -is mti i Mrs, C. Kugler, Mrs.

Nells Rote end two children of Sycamore -r time Smith A Big LeroyDales ek J.0 from Rochester, Minn, on their re One MoutlT roiiy nckies, a tuncn counter The program presented by the Sen lor class of 1917 of Itochelle high Miestie theater Monday uid. Taesday evenings Per Ye- girl Ethelyn Spath 4-8n i I Miss Sharp, who Is benod to xnake per Year, in Advance. T.t. S.W both Kxes, Paliert impNVeaMal begins uataedMtebrrBQ cabjoemrat Da pie of Baweadnf er dugerau dnm.C Tieatmeot achnmutered only by tkiilei kindly phy gjfiai. J3eatant wirreundioeu Hob jALMLZr trmm liming fcnd BgrrTHHIW Tha Otlsttnml.

Scientific Tnatmoi THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Dwtgkt, EL trouble Johnron attred as Second Class Mall Matter at the PoetoffleW DeKalb, Illinois turn trip they visited at the homes of Joe Blootnlngdale, MontorvlUe, Rev. A. E. Westenberg at Menonmlnle, and Floyd Westenberg, JRockf ord.f Kt i A. M.

Hunsucker. Bocue Chltto. urew, crowded houses and proved excellent fart one -consisted of. a one-act play. A Welsh Honeymoon," de kiting a ynoving picture ecene with following eat Helping Tom to Elope.

r- LnTa Lovebird Letty. HeUy, suffragettes, but they love a Jover Porothy Bee be," Florence Sherlock and Ruth Cllaite. Chronicle Want Ads Bring. Result OFFICIAL DOPE ON MAKEXJFQF; HEBE IS MAN THAT WANTS TO vasour Cratty elt so grateiul ecause of being freed from pain end distress that he wrote, the following letter: vstnerme jones, ms wife 7i Woman Passenger. Percy's moth er Lncil McMann BATTALION -i GET INTO ARMY Maley Peace In 24: Hoars for stomach sufferers who take Mayrs Wonderful Remedy Dont neglect your stomach -ailments an suffering from, rheuraatism.

taur his- nephew. -1 Strot Old Iadywlth a grlevanjce TAliiHA Loe Angeles, Cal, May 23 There George Holmes Washington, May 22- An army. btUUlion is composed of four is a scrapping youth here who BEGTOUCKS kidney and bladder trouble, also dlztlness; would almost fall "down at times. I started taking Foley jara.MOrtgsii 'the baker; other minute. What, appear to be wants to fight for Uncle Sam, and Catherine Decourcev companies, and at-, peace strength 1 1 1 9 waa win ngm, tnoj lf the war lasts Iddaey -Pill and two i.

boxes gave Howell Howell, Miller ana omcers. Tbreer battalions compose a regi long enough. here are two ex only, minor stomach disorders may often be symptoms of cancer and ulcers of the stomach and intcs- Xh careful sUrina- and slmnlle- i iremes in this fighting buiinesa, me entire relief." Disordered kidneys give warning by pains in side and back, rheumatic aches, sore uy ot tne, piece made-an. appeal for Enable us to caro for your wants in moving, heavy haulins me stackers who won't fight, and tines; gall stones, acute Indigestion, me ioiiows wno win almost flht gastritis, auto -intoxication, yellow Tho first soecialtT waa -Nuttv muscles, swollen joints, puffness under eyes, tired -and laaanld The play was -a ludicrous farce and was greatly Pavlowa Gavotte by Miss Ruth Eouthworthand.t. George O'Brlea was exceedingly well executed; by two rerstUe O'Brien was later featured in the lead Jn The ResE! tho Week iSheuJs Mlnet" with a- chorus and-, jth cot tertainment closed a patriouc nale Betsy- Ross the Night Em campment and the entire com pan yi 1 Mrs.

Grant Eastabrooks and Miss Dorothy and Mrs, Joe Wood were 4or a cnance to nxnt. This big fellow anpeared at the Nonsense (by request) by O'Brien 4k Sherwood. This popular vaudeville team wer featured in "Uncle ing. recruiting station weeks buk For sale by Kircnner crug store and other dealers. hi ana Aunt Samantha" In the rube picnic excursions', etc.

Our trucks are handled by experienced and careful men. and an result property damage is an unknown quatitity. We can move you to or from DeKalb, a dls-tanco of 10J0 mile cheaper tbnn you can move by rail. COREY EVAWS Phone 874 114 North Seventh Street but a sudden rush of work crowded hlm'away. Two daya later he came ment, witn subsidiary units, i A battalion Is by a JiMjor.Cwith under officers a first lleaenjnt: an a battalioh adjutants-; ji-t: The battalion ia not a tactical unlu'-c PC-rating as a part of the regUnent the smallest tactical tores, Neither Is the battalion an ivJr unit as Is the rcgl- Tj favalry equivalent of the fa-fan try battalion ia a squadron, it 1 1 composed of three trftnn.

and comedy "When the frus jaundice and other, dangerous ailments of which the sufferer is not aware until too late. An ideal prescription for overcoming quickly stomach, liver and Intestinal troubles Is Miyrs Wonderful Remedy. Millions of people have been restored by it. One docs will help you. Mayrs Wonderful Remedy is for sale by Kahn's drug store.

back, but th examiner found the Cornea to Tows." contt play for the-Trolley." with tha Mt scar of a recent appendicitis opera- iron, ana ne was rejected. Mark Rumely Is home from the University of Illinois, and will soon commence work at the Rock Island arsenal where he will be employed during the summer. J. i' a week went by. A familiar Terry O'Shea, who announces the visiting lnSycamorewjtljdsJ car Sherwood recently.

race appeared at the recruiting The man wanted to Jol the "soldiers of the sea. The examination disclosed a wonderfully tatooed butterfly. i Close' examina commanded by -a a first iTIeutenant, and a squadron adju-j ant. It totals 294 men. (if tion showed this mark all tmt hid aa appendicitis operation scar.

Tho lad was rejected. He may serve bis country by becoming a farmer '-TfcSildrtflleiT1 battalion con- slats -of -either 4 wo "iCtrHhree bat "e2rdLW0 for mountain and light jr-m or howttier battalions: and three for. horse and gun rf Mis if started rr Ijiajof iuid lor WMme your Money in NEW BUILDING SPRINGFIELD its YOU OVEREAT LATEST EDICT clothes v. nMii5toii, L. C-.

May 23 Three Springfield. J1L. ay 23 Work was started in earnest today to clear the block south of the state capi-tol building' for the new centennial buildings the cornerstone of which will be laid during the celebration here next year. There are about 20 booses in the JouJTses will be the maximum, even jor format dinners in: the United while the nation Is at war. women follow the lead of pe first lady of the.

land. hue House bananets, in the I ast, noted for their extravagant flegance, nave been placed on block, and the work-of moving these away was commenced this It is planned to start the foundation of the new building this fall or early next spring. The appropriation for the centennial building la-carried in the omnibus bill which will be reported back to "the house within a few. weeks. -There is no real opposi.

tion to the centennial building appropriation and unless some arises -ar footing. Instead of the usual evnf'to ten courses, only three ere served to the visiting English hd French commissioners -at two inners rivalling in importance and rmallty any ever served in Am ica. I The menus for; both dinners in uded an appetizer of-, tomatoes in the near future, the' structure will be under construction within ith- anchovies; plain soup, fillet beef. With peas -and potatoes; a few? months, lad, ice and coffee and cigars. don't need to be reminded that when ii.

you spend, money: for anything, the impor-tarit point to consider is riot the amount of the money you spend, but. the value you get for "it. It will pay you to think that over. l- Take men's clothes for example. Some give The dinners were in line with OHIO WOMEN i I policy of economy recently at uuced br Mrs.

Wilson and th 1 1 iv cs ut. the cabinet members. WIN BIGHT TO VOTE THIS WEEK (By TJatt4 Preml Columbus, Mar 23 One mil fiVftiU US THEE AT WASHINGTON lion Ohio women today, were crant- IS DYING OUT ed the right to vote for presidential electors In the fall of 1920. Although, the act, signed by Gov Washington. D.

May 234-Ex ernor Cox February 21. sub rts of the department of agricul ject to a 80-day referendum, anti' suffragists failed to secure the vou more value ior vour money man otners: -a today: began extraordinary ef--ta to have the historic Egyp- ri needed number of signatures to IN prevent it becoming a law. I acacia tree, in front oft the hlte House executive offices. It 1 The. bill was introduced last i there's our reason for selling Hart Schaffner I been the object of Interest to imsands of Masons for 25 years.

winter, by Representative James A. Reynolds, of Cleveland. It passed tho lower house 72 to 50 and tho it is believed to be dying. -a'" a fght atucked it. senate approved of it 19 to 17.

President Harrison planted the Ohio is the. fourth state in the Marx arid if you knew it, there's your reason for buying them. union to grant, women partial suf ie from a seedling in 1892 and sonoic order have paused there frage, fallowing the lead of 1111 I behold its peculiar charm. North Dakota and Indiana. Eleven other state have lull suf a 1f 4U I If! 1 1 STtREMEDV FOR WHOOPING frage.

4 I- -t I COUGH winter when my little boy OHIO FO OD MEN the whooping cough I gave him ATXXT OCATE THE! r-mlber Iain's couxn Kemeoy, Hart ScMffiier (k Marx SAVING OF BEEF tes Mra-J; Roberta, Est I Louls.lli '-'ItilDept hia cough and relieved, him of adful eonghlng It Is the Columbus, May zi If you wish to class as 4 a patriot save a cough me-ifcihe I keep in the he because 1 have the most jcon- cow. That is. the adTlcOv of the areftheja acSlii Is also unio rooct for col3 and Meal ofione laughtered cow will supply- the equivalent of -a year's Deer rations zor two- soldiers, where Business men will instantly see what relation that hasto the cost of production. as the. milk, from one cow.

supply an equal value for 200 soldiers in one year according '-vj v- '3 V-1 a -J ft I- 7 if 1 -oil r. to the council. Ohio and' the "nation are" urged to prohibit the sale for slaughter of. productive dairy cows Ohio farmers will be urged to increase the number of dairy cows. JJQJSTD "One dairy, cow in bet Jlfetlrae produces the same a mount of ho- POuLTmr Hart Schaffner; Marx can and do put more real intrinsic value-per-dollar their than is found in any other clothing mader anywhere, by, anybody.

maa food as IT slaughtered steers'! says a statement sent out by the Calif oriiia''Launchcs a-1 vr- TM. (Bt valtmd Pms) Sacmnento, CaL, 23 Fif You ii econ- i And that's the value you get when you buy them here, have to pay more for them than for some clothes; but it's teen' big farms conducted by state institutions will produce food for the 16,000 Inmates of the Institu tions thi4" year; Freeman JI Blood- dmy; it saving money. good, member of the board of con trol predicted today. Under war SODnwr ynnwurg proouciion on these farms will be Increased 25 per cent. .4 USE Proper Food fee Weak' Stomachs 4 'V- b- The proper food ftr one roaa.majr iid tiqtii be attvWTon i another Every rr.

one should adopt a diet suited to his aee and occupation Those who hate 'weak stomachs need to be es peclaliy careful and should eat slowiyv and masticate their food I thoroughly. It is also important that they keep their bowels regu DeKalb; Illinois, The home of Hart Schaffner clothes. Ttr kM Mf CfMffMiMa itsaBe lar. When they, become constipated feelduii and stupid Copyright Hart Schaffaettff 121 after eating. tfcer anouia taxe TISFV Chamberlaln'a to strengthen the stomach and move tha bow ...4 i els They are easy to take and pleasant In effect.

i ilrs. Uovd SilTius who has been UtTliiCUTOR county very ill for several days is still con Caed to' ter. tsi. -v.

The Daily Chronicle from De Kalb, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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