Yakov Protazanov Movie 2020 (2025)

1. ‎Films directed by Yakov Protazanov • Letterboxd

  • Bevat niet: 2020 | Resultaten tonen met:2020

  • Films directed by Yakov Protazanov

2. Russian movies by Yakov Protazanov

  • For the last years we have been selecting the best Soviet and Russian films in order to make them available for our viewers. The subtitles are in English, ...

  • For the last years we have been selecting the best Soviet and Russian films in order to make them available for our viewers. The subtitles are in English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Using Soviet and Russian Movies website will give you an opportunity to view the films online as well as download the Soviet and Russian films of different genres, encompassing the wide variety from the very popular pictures to the rare finds.

3. Recensie Sputnik (2020) | Review op Schokkend Nieuws

  • De allereerste Sovjet sci-fi film AELITA (Yakov Protazanov, 1924) was dan ook een verfilming van Alexei Tolstoy's 'Aelita, Or The Decline Of Mars'. De ...

  • De Sovjet-Unie had een gedegen traditie van sci-fi films. Uitschieters zoals SOLARIS (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972) vielen tot ver buiten het IJzeren Gordijn in de prijzen. Na de Koude Oorlog zakte de productie in, maar recentelijk lijkt er sprake te zijn van een opleving. SPUTNIK van debuterend regisseur Egor Abramenko is hier een mooi voorbeeld van. […]

4. 9 most outstanding Russian SILENT movies that you can watch for FREE

  • 26 nov 2024 · Yakov Protazanov's movie, based on Pushkin's story, strikes a disturbing atmosphere and masterful depiction of the main character's insanity.

  • These movies were created at the dawn of Russian cinematography, but still amaze viewers even today.

5. Yakov Protazanov - Wikidata

  • Russian film director and screenwriter (1881–1945)

6. Aelita: Queen of Mars - marc ribot

7. Aelita, Queen of Mars | Music Box Theatre

  • ... Yakov Protazanov had helmed dozens of Czarist-era film fossils while novelist Alexei Tolstoy had renounced his anti-Bolshevik politics and embarked on a ...

  • A cryptic radio transmission baffles scientists and statesmen around the globe. Only the dreamy Soviet engineer Los correctly surmises that the signal is coming from Mars. With the Soviet Union mired in a period of New Economic Policy retrenchment — and Los’s wife Natasha cavorting with duplicitous aristocrats behind his back — who wouldn’t yearn to leave the Earth behind? Alas, Mars is just as backwards as the West, practically an intergalactic Barclays outpost, with the proletariat imprisoned underground while Aelita and her family pursue maximum profit. This very strange film was the product of two Russian artists who had been reluctantly brought back into the fold after periods of post-Revolutionary exile — director Yakov Protazanov had helmed dozens of Czarist-era film fossils while novelist Alexei Tolstoy had renounced his anti-Bolshevik politics and embarked on a series of science fiction epics that wed the prestige of his family name to the party line. The movie adaptation of Tolstoy’s novel was envisioned as a calling card for the Soviet film industry generally and the Mezhrabprom-Rus studio specifically, with eye-popping Constructivist-Martian costumes from Alexandra Exter and sets from Viktor Kozlovsky. Alas, this popular success was viciously mocked in the increasingly strident Soviet press. Director Lev Kuleshov dismissed Aelita as “the blind alley of pre-revolutionary cinema” while critic Vladimir Blyum lamented it as an exemplar of a trend where “it even became...

8. 9 Soviet movies about ALIENS you can watch FREE online

  • 8 mei 2024 · 'Aelita', 1924. Yakov Protazanov/Mezhrabpom-Rus, 1924. This silent sci-fi movie is based on the novel by Aleksei Tolstoy. A Soviet engineer ...

  • Intelligent life must be out there somewhere! Here’s our roundup of Soviet movies about encounters with extraterresital civilizations.

9. Marc Ribot, “Aelita: Queen of Mars” (1924) - Hancher Auditorium |

  • 19 okt 2024 · Marc Ribot will perform his score for Yakov Protazanov's pioneering sci-fi film “Aelita: Queen of Mars” as part of the ReFocus Film ...

  • Marc Ribot will perform his score for Yakov Protazanov’s pioneering sci-fi film “Aelita: Queen of Mars” as part of the ReFocus Film Festival.

10. Sound of Silents: "Aelita Queen of Mars" - Toledo.com

  • 6 feb 2020 · Said to be the first full-length science fiction movie ever made, this influential film about space travel by the Soviet filmmaker Yakov ...

  • Featuring Toledo Area Event Listings, Community Info, Toledo Area Business Directory, as Well as Other Fun and Exciting Things to Do in Toledo and the Toledo Area. Original features, music news & reviews.

11. Aelita (1924): the Soviet cinema on the edge of epochs and styles

  • Another outstanding example of the Soviet cinematic production is Aelita (1924) (also known as Aelita: Queen of Mars) by Yakov Protazanov ... © La Notte, 2020- ...

  • I have analysed many films as a journalist but this article I wrote for my studies in Åbo Akademi University, there was a course dedicated to the propaganda in the Soviet cinema. For this course I wrote three articles about four Soviet and post-Soviet films, all of them are belonging to the "art-cinema" and have some kind of decorative and surrealistic settings. All of them are looking at the real events and epochs in artistic sense. Let's start with Aelita (1924) by Yakov Protazanov.Early Sovie

12. Yakov Protazanov – Scifist.

  • ... cinema. The silent era provided some of the timeless classics of… January 20, 2020. Meta · Top 10 Sci-Fi Films of the 1920s.

  • Posts about Yakov Protazanov written by Janne Wass

13. The Cinema of Yakov Protazanov : F. Booth Wilson - Blackwell's

  • Best known for Aelita (1924), the classic science-fiction film of the Soviet silent era, Yakov Protazanov directed over a hundred films in a career spanning ...

  • Best known for Aelita (1924), the classic science-fiction film of the Soviet silent era, Yakov Protazanov directed over a hundred films in a career spanning thr

14. The Cinema of Yakov Protazanov - Rutgers University Press

  • Bevat niet: 2020 | Resultaten tonen met:2020

  • Best known for Aelita (1924), the classic science-fiction film of the Soviet silent era, Yakov Protazanov directed over a hundred films in a career spanning ...

15. Yakov Protazanov - Movie Reviews Simbasible

  • ......................................................... Aelita Movie Review Aelita is a 1924 Russian silent science fiction film directed by Yakov Protazanov.

  • ......................................................... Aelita Movie Review Aelita is a 1924 Russian silent science fiction film directed by Yakov Protazanov. It is a pretty...

16. Aelita: Queen of Mars (1924) | MUBI

  • 22 mrt 2012 · Cast & Crew · Yakov ProtazanovRegie · Yuliya SolntsevaBesetzung · Igor IlyinskyBesetzung · Nikolai TseretelliBesetzung · Nikolai BatalovBesetzung.

  • Los, an engineer living in Moscow, dreams of Aelita, the Queen of Mars, and builds a spaceship to take him to her. They fall in love, but Los soon finds himself embroiled in a proletarian uprising to establish a Martian Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

17. 45th Science Fiction Marathon - Jan. 17-19, 2020 - CWRU Film Society

  • As a tribute, Cinematheque is showing Demon Seed, one of his favorite films, the night before the marathon, January 16th, at 6:45pm. For more information, ...

  • The Film Society has been providing the students of CWRU with a place to relax at the end of the week. We show good movies and sell concessions for prices that won't break your bank. Our schedules offer a variety of films through each semester to cater to a broad array of students and community members.

18. The Women of Ryazan (1927) - Peter Bosma

  • 29 aug 2019 · ... films van onder andere Yakov Protazanov en van haar echtgenoot Vladimir Gardin. Daarnaast was ze docent, scenarioschrijver en regisseur van ...

  • De schurk van deze film is een rijke boer die zijn opstandige dochter Wassilissa verbiedt te trouwen met een armoedige hoefsmid, maar zijn zoon wel toestaat te trouwen met Anna, een weesmeisje zonder bruidschat. Als zijn zoon in 1914 opgeroepen wordt naar het oorlogsfront verkracht hij zijn schoondochter. Het resultaat is een kind, het hele dorp spreekt er schande van, maar alle blaam treft het meisje, niet de foute man. De dorpsvrouwen leven zich uit met kleingeestig geroddel bij het spinnenwiel. De terugkeer van de mannen uit de oorlog zorgt voor een fatale wending. Het idyllisch nostalgisch beeld van het Russisch platteland krijgt hiermee een donkere kant.

19. A Russian & Soviet Movie Podcast with Ally Pitts | Kuuntele kaikki jaksot

  • 100 years of Aelita: Queen of Mars (Yakov Protazanov; 1924) [Classic episode ... (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson; 2020). 2022-01-23 • 17min.

  • Cinephile, history fan, and one-time Muscovite Ally Pitts explores contemporary and Soviet-era Russian language cinema one film at a time! The show combines interviews and movie discussion, and features expert guests including authors, journalists, stand-up comedians, and indie podcasters. From time to time, it also tackles Hollywood’s attempts to bring aspects of Russian culture, literature, and history to the Silver Screen.

Yakov Protazanov Movie 2020 (2025)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.